When Google posted their first tweet in 2009 and said “I’m feeling lucky” they really were not kidding. Over 90 percent of American adults use a search engine once a day or more and Google gets the vast majority of traffic that comes out of those searches. This makes Google extremely influential in the world of internet marketing. It makes Google rankings essential to everyone who want to make a splash on the web, and it makes SEO news, SEO blogs, Seo marketing and SEO tools into the future of the search engine market.
However, while Google is extremely influential, it might not be making as much money as it would like. The reason is, even though they are paid fees to post certain sites online, more than fifty percent of people who search the web, in fact, close to three quarters of them, ignore these search results entirely and instead only look at the search results that the site generates organically.
SEO is a much cheaper way of increasing traffic to a particular website. The cost for it is more than 60 percent cheaper than outbound marketing such as the sort of cold calling that interrupts your dinner with your family. It is also important for closing the deals that you want to see closed. Somewhere around half of all consumers will research products online before buying them.
When these consumers are researching products, you want to ensure that they fall on your page. It is for this reason that increasing traffic to your web is so popular as an option. There are a lot of ways to increase traffic to the webpage that represents your company, but search engine optimization is still probably the most effective, and it is for this reason that people will probably continue to use search engine optimization in the future.